Oceanside Police officers are conducting a DUI checkpoint this memorial day weekend to look for drunk drivers. It’s scheduled to run from 8p.m. on Sunday to 3a.m. early Monday morning as part of their DUI enforcement and awareness program. Police have not yet released any location on were this DUI checkpoint would be located.
Please be aware that recent Oceanside DUI roadblocks have been located on Oceanside Blvd. between El Camino Real and Rancho Del Oro and on College Blvd. between Via Cupeno and Adams street. Remember it is best to not drink alcohol and drive and if you go out drinking with friends make sure you have a Designated Driver. However, if you are arrested for a DUI please feel free to call my firm for a free legal consultation.
North County Times May 25, 2010
OCEANSIDE: Checkpoint set for Sunday night