Articles Tagged with juvenile charges

Juvenile delinquency charges are a serious matter in the state of California. Conviction can lead to confinement in security facilities surrounded by barbed-wire fences. Tens of thousands already reside in these wards, while still many more live out their youth under strict probation terms. The state aims to punish juvenile offenders severely, and for this reason a juvenile delinquency or other criminal charge must be taken seriously. Besides confinement and probation, there is the potential impact on one’s educational or career prospects. A conviction can have a lasting impact on one’s ability to attend the school or pursue the career of one’s choice. The purpose of this article is to educate juveniles and their parents or guardians of the California’s juvenile delinquency laws. If you or your child have been charged with juvenile delinquency in the state of California, contact an experienced California criminal defense attorney.

Juvenile Delinquency Court Tries Minors Charged With Crimes In the State of California

In California, minors charged with crimes are not prosecuted in the same court system as adults. The underlying philosophy to having separate court systems is the long-held belief that minors charged or convicted of wrongdoing are less culpable than adults. Culpability is synonymous with blameworthiness. In the eyes of the law, because minors are still developing intellectually – still learning right from wrong – and gaining firsthand knowledge of what constitutes ethical conduct, they should be held to different culpability standards than adults.

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